인도네시아 소식 > Idol Store Pop-up] Opens at Cipinang, a shopping mall in Jakarta

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Idol Store Pop-up] Opens at Cipinang, a shopping mall in Jakarta

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Idol Store Pop-up] Opens at Cipinang, a shopping mall in Jakarta

SBS MediaNet of Korea and Okra International of Indonesia held an Idol Store Pop-up, which promotes excellent Korean fashion, beauty and accessories, at Cipinang, a shopping mall in Jakarta, Indonesia, for a week from July 15 (Mon).

The Idol Store Project is a K-content project of SBS MediaNet and KOFCA (Large, Small and Medium Enterprises, Agriculture and Fisheries Cooperation Foundation), Korea's leading broadcaster, and is located in hot places around the country
It is a road variety project that exhibits and sells outstanding Korean products.

Yubin from Wonder Girls, the representative K-pop idols, Lee Jang Jun from Gold Child, Hee Jin from LOONA,
Model-turned broadcaster Jung Hyuk and Vietnamese national singer Hariwon are the store's president, manager, and staff
It's a content that attracted the attention of K-pop fans through filming, and it's also a YouTube channel, "THE"
It was released on 'K-POP' and created a lot of buzz.

The pop-up stores held at Cipinang, a shopping mall in Jakarta, include Andar, Markmock, and Mix Soon
We are planning to introduce outstanding products from Korea's representative small and medium-sized business brands, and in addition to the products
We're going to introduce various promotional videos, posters, leaflets, and many Jakarta hot people
I also visited.
They will also be sold on online shopping malls such as Shopee, Facebook, and TikTok.

CEO Kim Min Kyu of Okra International, who organized this pop-up store
"We are very happy to introduce products from excellent companies through this pop-up store to K-content and idol lovers in Korea," he said, adding, "If you come to the pop-up store, you will be able to enjoy K-pop idols' posters and photo cards."

This pop-up store will run until July 21. 

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