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테니스 백핸드 탑스핀 치는법

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작성자 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일15-01-29 17:07 조회5,678회 댓글0건
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How to Hit a Topspin Backhand in Tennis
By Robin Stephenson, eHow Contributor

For many novice players, a defensive slice is the go-to shot on the backhand side. It's usually a fairly forgiving shot that many players feel they can rely on, but it's not usually one that's used as an offensive weapon.Hitting backhands that really put your opponent under pressure really calls for a topspin shot that enables you to hit with more power, while coming over the ball and imparting spin in order to bring the ball down into the court.Here are a few tips to keep in mind when trying to add this shot, and a little offensive spark, to your game.

많은 초보선수들에게는,수비적인 슬라이스샷이 백핸드쪽에서는 주력샷이다.
슬라이스는 많은 선수들이 의지할수 있는 꽤 관대한 샷이긴 하지만, 공격적인 무기로써는 보통 사용될수 없는 것이다.
상대방에게 실질적인 압박을 가할수있는 백핸드를 치는것은 볼을 향해 코트안쪽으로 떨어지도록 스핀을 주면서 더 강한 힘으로 볼을 칠수있도록해주는 탑스핀이 요구되어진다.
여기에 여러분의 경기에 탑스핀샷과 좀 더 공격적인 활기를 더하려고 시도할때 명심해야할 몇가지 팁들이 있습니다.

Hold the racket fairly loosely, out in front of you, with both hands. Make sure that your weight is on the balls of your feet, or even your toes, so that you're able to make quick adjustments in preparation for the shot. Your knees should be slightly bent, and you should be in a balanced position.
두손으로, 몸 앞에서,라켓을 꽤 느슨하게 잡아라.
샷에 대한 준비를 빠르게 적용할수있도록 발, 심지어 발가락에 빈틈없이 체중을 위치시켜라.
여러분의 무릎은 약간 굽어있어야하고 균형된자세로 있어야한다.

Make sure that you prepare for the shot by moving to your backhand grip of choice (probably some variation of the Eastern grip), and as you plant your left foot at the beginning of the stroke (assuming you're right-handed), place your left hand on the throat of the racket as a guide for the back swing. This should assist you in making the entire swing a fluid one, which is key to its success
스토로크의 시작에서 왼발을 준비하면서, 백스윙의 안내자로써 라켓 목에 왼손을 위치시키면서 선택한 백핸드그립으로 바꾸면서 샷에 대한 준비를 해라. 이것은 전체적인 스윙을 유동적인 것으로 만드는데 도움을 줄것이고, 성공의 열쇠가 될것이다.

Keeping your eyes on the ball, turn your shoulders as you take back your racket. Try not to turn your hips into the shot; the motion should all come from the shoulders. Try to turn enough so that you're almost looking over your shoulder at the ball. The more shoulder turn you have, the more power you'll be able to generate.
볼을 계속주시하면서, 라켓을 뒤로 빼면서 어깨를 돌려라.
엉덩이를 돌리지 않도록해라: 동작은 모두 어깨로부터 나와야한다.
거의 어깨위로 볼을 볼수있도록 충분히 돌려라.
어깨회전을 많이하면할수록, 더 많은 힘을 발생시킬수 있다.

Making sure that your elbow is bent and your wrist firm, and with the racket starting low, swing it forward from a low to a high position, brushing up and over the back of the ball. This is where the topspin comes from. As you swing, you will also be transferring the weight onto the front foot. This momentum, along with the shoulder rotation will give you the power for the shot. Make sure that you keep your eyes on the ball all the way through the swing up until the point of contact. Glancing around the court at your opponent is a sure way to increase errors in the timing and execution of the shot.
팔꿈치는 구부러져있고 손목은 고정시켜라, 낮게 시작하는 라켓으로 볼의 뒷면을 위로 쓰다듬으면서 아래에서 위를 향하도록 스윙을해라. 여가가 바로 탑스핀이 발생하는 곳이다. 스윙을 하면서 또한 체중도 앞발로 옮겨갈것이다.
어깨회전과 더불어 이 탄력이 샷에대한 힘을 줄것이다. 볼이 맞는시점까지 스윙을 하면서 계속 볼을 주시하라.
상대방코트를 얼핏보는것은 샷의 타이밍과 실행에 있어서 실수를 증가시키는 확실한 방법이다.

The racket's face will be closing on the follow-through to accentuate the overspin that will be bringing the ball down into the court, and the racket should finish well above the shoulder. Your left arm will be behind you in direct counterbalance to your racket arm and you should then be immediately readjusting your footwork in readiness for the next shot.
볼을 코트안에 떨어트릴 강한 스핀을 주기위해서는 팔로쓰루동작에서 라켓면은 닫혀질것이고, 라켓은 어깨위로 잘 마무리되어야한다. 여릐분의 왼쪽 팔은 라켓을 든 팔과 균형을 맞추기위해 몸 뒤에 있게 될것이고, 여러분은 다음샷의 준비를 하기위해 풋워크를 즉시 다시 조정해야만한다.

Tips & Warnings
Footwork is key in this shot. You should be making small steps to get yourself in the perfect position, and then a larger one as you plant the left foot and pivot from it as you begin the back swing. As the back swing is completed the front (right) foot should be set and the weight will transfer to it as you execute the swing.

A good drill for practicing your topspin is to stand inside the service box and have someone feed balls to you. Let the balls bounce once and then hit backhands into the open court. You'll find that the only way to keep the balls from going long is to hit them with topspin. It's a good no-pressure way to get the necessary feel of the shot.

Don't try to create topspin by flicking the wrist as if it's a table tennis shot. The wrist should be firm and it should be the angle of the racket and its shoulder-generated head speed as it comes over the ball that generates the spin.

Don't get caught hitting the ball late. You should be hitting it early, on the rise and out in front of you, as your body weight moves forward. If your timing is off, you may find yourself letting the ball get almost behind you at the point of contact. This way, there will be no momentum or accuracy for the shot.


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