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Tennis is a Mental Game 번역본

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작성자 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일12-06-26 16:31 조회7,967회 댓글0건
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"I was thinking of an important tennis match last night. I visualised how that match was going to be and this helped me fall asleep. I had a tennis court in my mind and I could see every point. I played the points in my mind exactly the way I wanted them to be the next day" (Chris Evert).
지난나는오늘있을중요한테니스시합에대해생각해보았다. 시합이어떻게펼쳐질지를머릿속으로그려보았는데이렇게함으로써나는잠들있었다. 마음속에테니스코트를그리자포인트포인트가모두보였다. 나는오늘내가구사하고자하는모든포인트들을정확히그대로마음속으로플레이것이다.” (Chris Evert)
Tennis players and experts are surprised with the fact that nearly 80% of playing time is spent on things other than just hitting the ball to win a point. A lot of time is taken up changing ends, in the intervals between games, between points and thinking. However, during training, players rarely use 70 or 80% of the time to mentally prepare themselves.
테니스선수들과전문가들은시합시간거의 80%단지득점을하기위해공을때리는외의다른활동들에사용된다는사실을알게되면깜작놀란다. 코트를바꾸는데걸리는시간, 게임사이의휴식시간들, 포인트와다음포인트사이에흘러가는시간들, 그리고여러가지생각하는데도많은시간들이사용되는것이다. 그럼에도불구하고선수들이훈련을하는동안, 정신적으로자신들을무장하는데훈련시간의 70~80%사용하는경우는거의없다.
"The mental aspect of tennis is very important. I have worked a lot in this area and the results are starting to flourish" (Feliciano López, member of the Spanish Davis Cup Team).
“테니스에서정신적인측면은매우중요합니다. 저는이부분에많은노력을기울여왔고, 이제그노력들이결실을맺기시작하고있습니다.” (Feliciano López, 스페인데이비스컵팀선수)
Tennis is a complex sport, which does not only depend on talent and physical potential, as well as technical tactical skills, but also on psychological abilities such as emotional control and mental strength. The mental aspect of tennis is so important that Jimmy Connors once said that, at professional levels, tennis is 95% a mind game.
테니스는기술적, 전술적기법들, 재능, 신체적인잠재력에의존할뿐만아니라선수가자신의감정을다스리고정신력을강화하는것과같은심리적인측면의능력들에도의존하는복합적인능력이요구되는운동이다. 테니스에서정신적인측면은매우중요한데, Jimmy Connor한때프로선수정도의수준이라면, 테니스는 95%정신력경기라고말한있다.
"I want to be number one at the end of the year. I know it's difficult, but I am preparing myself mentally and working hard" (Marat Safin).
“나는올해말에세계랭킹 1위에오르기를원한다. 비록그것이어렵다는것을알지만, 정신적인측면에서나를무장하면서열심히노력하고있다.” (Marat Safin)
When two tennis players with similar potential and technical-tactical skills come up against each other, the result of the match is often determined by psychological factors such as self-confidence, determination, willpower and concentration.
만약비슷한잠재력과기술적, 전술적기교들을지닌명의선수가맞붙는다면, 경기의승부는종종자기확신, 결단력, 의지력, 집중력등과같은심리적인요소들에의해결정된다.
"They all end up frustrated; they have difficulties on the court. It's a mental game. Two minds battling against each other" (Marat Safin).
“테니스선수라면모두결국좌절감을맞보게된다. 왜냐하면선수들은누구나코트에서역경을겪기마련이기때문이다. 결국테니스는정신력싸움이다. 즉맞서싸우는두정신력만이존재한다. (Marat Safin)
Part of mental training consists of visualising, in an organised way, repeatedly and consciously, all motor skills, techniques and strategies, in order to improve two things: movements and situations. By movements we refer to the specific motor skills which are necessary for tennis (for example: the serve). By situations we are referring to the different tactics and strategies that occur during a tennis match (for example: approaching the net).
정신력강화훈련의일환으로자신의움직임게임상황향상시키기위해서짜여진방식으로반복적으로의식적으로자신의모든운동기능들, 여러가지기술들, 게임전략들을마음속에떠올려보는것이있다. 여기서움직임이란, 테니스에필요한특정한운동기능들예컨대서브와같은것을말하는것이고, 게임상황관련해서는, 테니스시합발생하는예컨대네트어프로치와같은다양한전술과전략들을의미한다.
"Carrying out psychological work is of fundamental importance, because if players do it during tennis training, they will remember it during the match" (Larri Pasos).
“심리적훈련을하는것은근본적으로중요합니다. 왜냐하면만약선수가훈련과정에서심리적훈련을해놓으면, 경기중에자연히떠올릴것이기때문입니다.” (Larri Pasos)
Here are some suggestions of mental routines which can be carried out before, during and after tennis matches:
아래에는테니스경기, 경기, 경기후에이루어있는제안할만한가지정신력과관련된일상적인또는습관화된과정들을소개해놓았다:
1. Before a tennis match (mental pre-game)
 테니스시합 (mental pre-game)
• Mental warm-up: Visualise tennis strokes or images where you succeed.
정신적인워밍업: 자신이성공적으로있는스트로크와다양한모습들을마음속으로그려본다.
• Come up with a strategic mental plan of the game ("mental game plan") analysing the opponent's strengths and weaknesses.
2. During the tennis match (mental game)
 테니스시합 (mental game)
• Observe and analyse the technical-tactical behaviour of your opponent (their strengths and weaknesses).
상대방선수의기술적, 전술적인행동(강점약점들)관찰하고분석한다.
• Anticipate the strokes, movements and patterns of play of your opponent.
상대방선수의스트로크, 움직임, 게임패턴을예상한다.
• Take the initiative and make fast and efficient decisions.
• Concentrate before each serve.
3. After the tennis match (mental revision)
 테니스시합 (mental revision)
•Mentally evaluate the game in general: behaviour in certain situations, game strategies, emotional control, etc.
시합을정신적인측면에서평가한다: 예컨대, 어떤상황에서자신이어떻게움직였는지, 시합에서사용한전략들은어떠했는지, 감정통제는되었는지, .
•Evaluate the opponent's strengths and weaknesses
•Evaluate one's own strengths and weaknesses and come up with a strategy to improve on any weaknesses.
자기자신의강점약점들을평가해보고, 만약약점이있다면약점을개선할있는전략에대해생각해본다.
•Reach important conclusions for mental aptitude training and for the next match, with the aim of optimising strategic thinking.
전략적사고를최대한활용한다는목표를가지고, 다음시합을위하여정신력훈련을위한중요한결정들을내린다.
All these mental routines can be acquired and perfected through systematic mental training with the help of a sport's psychologist and in collaboration with a responsible trainer.
"If I don't train the way I should, then I won't play the way I know I can" (Ivan Lendl).
“만약내가해야하는방식으로훈련하지않는다면, 나는내가할수있다고알고있는방식으로플레이를하지못할것이다.” (Ivan Lendl)
테니스선수의심리적인프로필: 기본적인심리적능력과기술들
Although we know that physical, technical and tactical factors are essential for the appropriate development of a great tennis player, we must not forget that the psychological aspect must be trained and perfected in the same way.
비록뛰어난테니스선수가적절하게발전하기위해서는신체적, 기술적, 전술적인요소들이중요하다는사실을알고있더라도, 심리적인측면역시마찬가지로훈련하여완성되어야한다는사실을잊어서는된다.
"It is not just about playing tennis, the mental part plays a very important role. Tennis is not just about hitting the ball over the net, serving or volleying; it is much more than that; you need to use your head" (Marat Safin).
“테니스에서정신적인부분은단지플레이를하는것이상의매우중요한역할을한다. 테니스는단지공을때려네트너머로넘기고, 서브하고, 발리를하는것만이아니라, 그훨씬이상의것이다. 왜냐하면반드시머리를사용해야만하기때문이다.” (Marat Safin)
A successful tennis player is born from the combination of these factors (physical, technical-tactical and mental) in conjunction with natural talent. In the same way as with the development of the other factors previously mentioned, the capacity of understanding and learning mental skills varies from one player to another.
성공적인테니스선수는선천적인재능과더불어신체적, 기술적, 전략적, 정신적요소들이조합되어야만탄생된다. 이전에언급한다른요소들의발달과마찬가지로, 정신적인측면의기술들을이해하고배우는능력또한선수들사이에차이가있다.
Here are some fundamental skills which characterise a winning tennis player.
Anticipation: is the ability to plan objectives, foresee actions (technical and tactical), results and consequences. Tennis is not only a game of reaction but mainly of anticipation and intelligence. Tennis players must learn to anticipate their opponent's movements, strokes and game play (by reading their body language). Depending on this, the tennis players can also better anticipate and initiate their own actions.
예상:이란 (상대방선수의기술적이고전술적인) 움직임과, 결과와성과를내다보고, 자신의목표를설정할있는능력이다. 테니스는반응뿐만아니라주로예상과지능으로이루어지는게임이다. 테니스선수는 (상대방선수의몸놀림을읽어서) 상대방선수의움직임, 스트로크, 게임플레이등을예상하는법을익혀야만한다. 또한이를통해서, 테니스선수는자신의움직임도보다예상하고개시할있게된다.
Attention: generally understood as a selective, active, intensive and directed state of one's own perceptions. The main objective is to attend to relevant stimuli and block out any negative thoughts. In tennis, relevant stimuli, amongst others, are: game strategy, opponent's positioning and movements, keeping visual control of the ball and situations in which decisions need to be taken (for example: tie-breaks). A tennis specific attention characteristic is that of being able to maintain one's concentration on the relevant stimuli during the appropriate amount of time.

 주의:일반적으로자기자신의지각에대하여선택적, 능동적, 집중적, 통제된상태를의미한다. 주의를하는주된목적은적절한자극에대해서는집중하면서, 부정적인사고는차단하는것이다. 테니스에서, 적절한자극이란다른무엇보다게임운영전략, 상대방선수의위치와움직임, 공에끝까지눈을떼지않는, 그리고타이브레이크와같이결단력이필요한상황들이해당한다. 테니스에서특정적으로요구되는주의력의특징은필요한만큼의시간동안선수가적절한자극들에집중력을유지할있어야한다는것이다.

Positive attitude/Winning attitude: is directly related to self-confidence. It is based on expectations, beliefs, thoughts and positive images, which are manifested through positive behaviour such as: gestures, posture, verbalisation, expression, positive body language, etc. A winner always walks onto the tennis court with a winning attitude and always believes in his own victory.
긍정적인태도/승리를가져오는태도:직접적으로자기-확신과관련되어있다. 몸짓, 자세, 말투, 얼굴표정, 긍정적인신체언어등과같은긍정적인행동들에서명백하게드러나는기대, 신념, 사고, 긍정적인이미지등에서살펴있다. 승자는항상이러한승리를이끄는태도를가지고코트위로걸어들어오며, 항상자신의승리를확신한다.
Self-confidence: is a tennis player's conviction that he can do things well in whatever situation and at anytime. It is defined by: confidence in one's own talent and potential, strokes, physical condition, mental strength, determination, persistence, etc.
자기확신:이란테니스선수자신이어떤상황이든어느순간이든해낼있다는확신감을말하며, 테니스선수자신의재능과잠재력, 스트로크, 신체컨디션, 정신력, 결단력, 인내심, 등에서의확신으로정의된다.
Self-motivation: is the ability of motivating oneself and positively reinforcing oneself during tennis training and matches, and being able to overcome difficult situations. There are different methods of self-motivation (Samulski, 2002): 1) cognitive techniques: self-motivation through mental processes such as perception, visualisation and memorising, 2) motor skill techniques: self-activation through movement, exercise and behaviours, 3) emotional techniques: self-stimulation through positive emotions such as happiness and pleasure, the "flow" and the sensation of winning.
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431 정현, 오펜바흐 국제주니어테니스대회(G1)첫 우승 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-21 8022
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429 엘보통에도 그냥 운동하면 낫는다고요? 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-20 8912
428 '라인맨 피 보게 한' 테니스 스타, 결승서 1세트 따고도실격패 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-19 8021
427 제 1회 교민 테니스 대회를 마치고 인기글첨부파일 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-18 7657
426 제93회 전국 체육대회 선수 선발전. 인기글첨부파일 wolf 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-18 6187
425 뼈주사라고 불리우는 스테로이드 주사의 원리와 부작용 댓글1 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-15 36454
424 나달, 클레이코트에 서면 '흙신'되는 이유 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-15 11713
423 ‘테니스 황제’ 나달 4억 시계 훔친 ‘간 큰’ 범인 잡혔다 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-15 10955
422 ‘윔블던 코트선 흰옷만’ 금기 깨진다 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-13 8037
421 엘보를 위한 스트레칭 인기글첨부파일 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-12 7135
420 프랑스오픈 7회 우승 나달 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-12 7690
419 나달-조코비치 프랑스오픈 결승전, 우천으로 순연 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-11 7585
418 샤라포바, 생애 첫 프랑스오픈 우승…커리어 그랜드슬램 달성 8년… 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-11 7573
417 조코비치-나달, 프랑스오픈 결승전 '맞대결' 인기글 돌도사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 12-06-09 8241
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