구인중 | KMK GROUP Recruitment
페이지 정보
작성자 리뽀사랑 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 (110.♡.194.220) 작성일21-05-19 10:30 조회149회 댓글0건본문
KMK Group is a shoe manufacturer and exporter based in Indonesia.
We produce beautiful products that we are proud of and strive to bring joy to our customers and
people. KMK Group strives to challenge ourselves and work with
an attitude that values tomorrow rather than today.
We are searching for talented individuals who will pioneer the future with an entrepreneurial spirit.
KMK Culture:
KMK Group is founded on “Human Touch Management”,
our people oriented organizational philosophy that considers people as the most valuable asset
of the company. “Human Touch Management” is to love, respect, appreciate, and trust each other.
KMK Group provides various benefits to employees in order to find balance between
continuous growth and work-life harmony.
▶ Recruitment: All Departments of the KMK Group
▶ Qualifications:
Required qualifications
o Able to have overseas business-trip
o Basic OA skills
o Individuals that can work in Indonesia
Preferred qualifications
o Able to speak Indonesian or other foreign languages
o Has experience in the shoe manufacturing industry
o Has experience in living overseas
o Majored in engineering, chemical engineering, IT, accounting
Working terms
o Full time employee
o Working days: 5 working days per week (Monday – Friday) 7:00 AM – 17:00 PM
o Salary: negotiable
o Working area: Indonesia
Application method
o Send resume and cover letter to recruitment.kmkgroup@kmk.co.id
Additional Information
o Disqualified upon discovery of false information on resume or cover letter
회사명 | KMK GROUP Recruitment |
사원수 | . |
설립일 | . |
웹사이트주소 | . |
업종 | . |
근무처 | . |
채용분야및인원 | . |
업무 내용 | |
채용조건 | . |
희망 임금수준 | . |
가족동반 여부 | . |
성별 | . |
학력 | . |
우대사항 | . |
제출서류 | . |
제출기한 | . |
서류제출처및 문의처 | . |
선발절차 | . |
근무기간 | . |
근무요일/시간 | . |
기타사항 | . |
지원방법 | . |