구인중 | PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cibitung
페이지 정보
작성자 HRLGEINCBT 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 (203.♡.149.154) 작성일23-08-23 13:05 조회11,037회 댓글0건첨부파일
- Logo LG 3D_trans_gray.tif (1.6M) 36회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-08-22 17:15:24
[ Recurite condition ]
-Company Name: PT.LG Electronics indonesia
-Place of work: PT.LG Electronics indonesia Cibitung Factory
-Recruitment field: CSKD Team
-Expected salary: Discuss after interview
-Gender: Doesn't matter
-Education: college graduate
-Nationality: Korean
-Document Submission Deadline: Sept. 10th
-Working hours: 5 days a week
-Submission of documents : HR PIC e-mail address
- Responsibilities
1) C/SKD Buyer shipment management (vessel booking and schedule management, contract management)
2) Sales and distribution cost management
- Preferences
1) Excellence (data analysis/organization) and ability to create PPT documents.
2) Those who have experience in using the MRP system, C/SKD material supply, and material supply/procurement.
3) Those who can speak English and Indonesian.
회사명 | PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cibitung |
사원수 | 00명 |
설립일 | 00 |
웹사이트주소 | |
업종 | Manufacturing |
근무처 | Bekasi, Cibitung |
채용분야및인원 | Material Management - 0 people |
업무 내용 |
1) C/SKD Buyer shipment management (vessel booking and schedule management, contract management) 2) Sales and distribution cost management |
채용조건 | discussion after interview |
희망 임금수준 | discussion after interview |
가족동반 여부 | discussion after interview |
성별 | no matter |
학력 | bachelor degree |
우대사항 | |
제출서류 | cover letter, curriculum vitae |
제출기한 | september 10, 2023 |
서류제출처및 문의처 | recruitment.cbt@lgepartner.com |
선발절차 | document screening - Interview1 - Interview2 |
근무기간 | |
근무요일/시간 | 5 days a week |
기타사항 | |
지원방법 |