Kosakata dan Kalimat
페이지 정보
작성자 UMNBIPA 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일21-06-11 11:24 조회544회 댓글0건
게시글 링크복사 : http://www.indoweb.org/485938
Tinggi - Tall
Pendek - Short
Tinggi sedang - Medium height
Kurus- Skinny / Thin
Kurang berat badan- Underweight
Langsing - Slim / Slender
Gendut - Fat
Kelebihan Berat badan - Overweight
Gemuk - Plump / Stocky
Berisi - Bonny
Ø Dia sangat gendut untuk seumurannya (He is very fat for his age)
Ø Dia cukup langsing untuk menjadi model. (She is quite slim to be a model)
Ø Dia relatif tinggi dibandingkan kawan-kawannya. ( He is relatively tall compared to his friends)
Ø Dia sangat pendek dan cukup imut. (She is very short and quite cute)
Ø Dia Memiliki rambut keriting berwarna hitam. ( She got black curly hair.)