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작성자 dddd 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일12-01-01 23:54 조회5,046회 댓글1건
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게시글 링크복사 : https://indoweb.org:443/love/bbs/tb.php/school/885


저는 올해 하반기 인도네시아에서 BIPA 과정을 들은 후 대학원에 진학할 예정입니다.

자카르타 근처 주거지는 땅그랑 지역 리포가라와치가 좋다고 하는데.. 그 근처에 UPH 대학이 있더군요.
인도네시아에서 명문 사립대학이라고 하더군요

1. UPH  BIPA 과정은 생긴지 얼마안된 것 같던데.. UI BIPA과정과 비교하면 어떤까요? 괜찮은 가요?
   몇개월 과정이고..수업료는 얼마나 하나요? 

2. UPH 대학원 과정은 들어가기 쉽나요? 학위는 좀 쉽게 받을 수 있는 편인가요? 학비가 꽤 비싸다고 하던데
 학비는 어느정도 하나요(경제나 경영학과 전공을 생각하고 있고요)

3. 리뽀가라와치 지역의 집 값(렌트비)은 비싼가요? 생활 환경은 좋은가요?

4. 리뽀가라와치 지역의 국제학교는 어떤게 있나요? 인터내셔날 스쿨이외에도 괜찮은 로컬 인터내셔날 스쿨도 있나요?  국제학교 학비가 너무 비싼거 같아 영어로 수업하는 로컬도 고려하고 있습니다.
(초등학교, 유치원 아이를 위한)
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revival님의 댓글

revival 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일

Indonesian Programs
1. BIPA 1
  This introductory course offers participants basic competence in the Indonesian language, so they can actively engage in a conversation in their daily activities at home, at the market, at school, or at work. Participants explore a variety of everyday topics and simple language functions such as greetings, names, introductions, and learn other essential words and phrases. This course covers basic sentence patterns and productive 1,000 word-levels and receptive 2,000 word-levels with some simple reading and writing of short paragraphs, notices, schedules, advertisements, notes, and personal letters.
2. BIPA 2
  This intermediate class allows participants to gain competence in the Indonesian language, both spoken and written, so that they can take part in simple conversations and discussions on common topics and compose simple speeches using complex language functions, such as giving reasons, apologizing, complaining, making suggestions or recommendations, arguing, convincing people, and persuading people. Participants learn simple and more complex sentence patterns and productive 2,000 and receptive 3,000 word-levels to build competence in reading semi authentic news and articles from newspapers and magazines and to write simple descriptive and narrative compositions.
3. BIPA 3
  This upper-intermediate course prepares participants to use the Indonesian language, both spoken and written, so that they can engage in normal conversations, and discussions on common or specialized topics using more complex language functions such as defending ideas, arguing, convincing and persuading people to change their opinions, using a combination of simple and complex sentence patterns and productive 3,000 and receptive 4,000 word-levels. Participants gain competence in reading extensive and authentic news and articles from newspapers and magazines and in writing expository essays such as cause-effect, comparison-contrast, and classification.
4. Customized BIPA
  This Indonesian program is tailored to the requests of individuals, and schools or business employees who need to learn and improve their Indonesian language skills for various tasks or assignments.
TOEFL Prediction Test
  Institutional TOEFL is used to predict how individuals will perform on International TOEFL exams.
Translation Service
  This service offers translation of various texts including legal documents from English to Indonesian or Indonesian to English.

Indonesian Programs
1. BIPA 1 (Indonesian course for beginners)
  Length of the course: 50 hours
  Time: Monday - Wednesday 10 - 12 am or 3 - 5 pm
  Tuition: Rp. 2,500,000
2. BIPA 2 (Indonesian course for Intermediate)
  Length of the course: 50 hours
  Time: Tuesday & Thursday 10 - 12 am or 3 - 5 pm
  Tuition: Rp. 2,500,000
3. BIPA 3 (Indonesian course for Upper Intermediate)
  Length of the course: 50 hours
  Time: Wednesday & Friday 3 - 5 pm
  Tuition: Rp. 2,500,000

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