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구인중 | PT. LG CNS Indonesia

페이지 정보

작성자 zania 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (125.♡.8.2) 작성일23-03-24 10:23 조회7,248회 댓글0건
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게시글 링크복사 : http://www.indoweb.org/495830


Our company , as a foreign company focused in providing best IT consultant and solution in Indonesia. Currently, we are looking for professional candidates to join our team.  


Job overview: 

We build a smart factory system that monitors the production status in real time and collects

and controls real-time data from facilities so that process operations for product production in

the factory can be optimized.

There are factories in the US, China, Poland, Indonesia, etc., and many projects are underway to

build new factories and upgrade systems. To this end, we are organizing and operating an

integrated development center in Korea, and we are looking for talents to work at the regional

base development center for global development work in co-work with the integrated

development center.

회사명PT. LG CNS Indonesia
사원수80 명 내외
업종IT Consulting
채용분야및인원Programmer/Engineer for Smart Factory
업무 내용 Programmer/Engineer for Smart Factory

Role/Job Description :
1. Develop user's improvement requirements such as smart factory systems (MES, WMS, SPC, RMS, etc.) for their production operation
2. Develop development requirements for smart factory related projects
3. Outsource local development companies and communicate with HQ development center

Job Requirements :
- Minimum education: Diploma in any major
- Programming language: Java or .NET
- Speak Indonesia (fluently), Korean (Intermediate and Advance)
- Candidates who interested in smart factory and want to grow in the industry field
- Candidates who want to grow into a global IT expert/development expert based on overseas experience
-Candidates who want to improve various skills in a free atmosphere with colleagues
채용조건계약직 (Contract based employment)
희망 임금수준 개별협의 (salary negotiable)
가족동반 여부해당사항없음
성별남,여 모두 가능
학력대학교 졸업자 이상
우대사항인도네시아에서 IT분야 통/번역 경험이 2년이상 있는 경우, 채용 우선 고려
제출서류 이력서, 대학교졸업장
제출기한Open until filled
서류제출처및 문의처novita@Lgcns.com ; seona@Lgcns.com
선발절차대면인터뷰 선호, 선택적으로 화상미팅 가능
근무요일/시간주 5 일 기본, 08:00 ~ 17:00
기타사항CV/Application must be sent in english / korean 
지원방법이메일 신청
추천 0
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