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Kosakata tentang Indra (Senses)

페이지 정보

작성자 UMNBIPA 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일21-06-22 09:57 조회380회 댓글0건
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게시글 링크복사 :


Penciuman: Smell 


Segar: fresh 

(Aku senang dengan bau udara segar setelah hujan)

I like the smell of the fresh air after it rains.

Sedap, harum: aromatic 

(Setiap pagi Kevin mencium bau kopi harum dari tetangganya)

Every morning Kevin would smell the aromatic coffee from his neighbor.

Harum, wangi: fragrant

(Di musim semi Lily akan pergi ke kebunnya untuk mengumpulkan bunga-bunga yang wangi)

In spring Lily is going to her garden to gather fragrant blooms.


Pengecap, rasa: Taste 


Manis: sweet

(Kebanyakan anak-anak senang memakan yang manis-manis seperti cokelat dan es krim)

Most kids love eating something sweet such as chocolate and ice cream.


Masam, kecut: sour 

(Air jeruk limau itu sangat masam tapi aku suka rasanya)

The lime water is really sour but I like the taste.

Pahit: bitter = pahit

(Julian benci buah beri mentah sebab rasanya pahit)

Julian hates raw berries because they are bitter.


Pendengaran: Sound 

Keras, kencang: loud 

(Ayu tidak sedang berteriak, suaranya memang keras)


Ayu is not shouting, her voice is indeed loud.

Berisik, ramai: noisy 

(Di atas sangat berisik, anak-anak sedang bermain)

It’s so noisy upstairs, the kids are playing.

Melengking: squeaky 

(Ketika bayinya lelah dan lapar, kamu akan mendengar teriakan melengkingnya)

When the baby is tired and hungry, you will hear his squeaky cry.


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20 40. Kutipan Motivasi 첨부파일 UMNBIPA 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-06-22 402
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