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Kosakata/어휘 5

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작성자 UMNBIPA 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일19-01-16 09:48 조회413회 댓글0건
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게시글 링크복사 :


1.  Bimbing, membimbing : to guide/supervise : 안내하다/지도하다
Cth: Dosen itu membimbing skripsi saya.
Ex: That lecturer supervises my thesis.
bimbingan : supervision : 안내/지도
pembimbing : a guide/supervisor : 안내자/지도자
pembimbingan : guiding, leardership : 안내, 지도
2. Buka, membuka : to open/take off : 열다
Cth: Beberapa toko di Jakarta buka jam 5 pagi.
Ex: Some shops in Jakarta open at 5 o'clock in the morning.
terbuka : in state of being open : 열리다
berbuka : to take off (e.g. clothes) : 벗다
membukakan : to open for s.o. : 누군가를 위해 여는 것
pembukaan : the opening : 열기/개회/~의 시작
3. Basah : Wet : 젖은
Cth : Cat itu masih basah.
Ex : That paint is still wet.
membasah : to become wet : 젖어가고있다
membasahkan : to wet/moisten s.t. : 적시다
kebasahan : to get accidentaly soaked, dampness : 젖음
pembasahan : moistening/dampening of s.t., irrigation : 관개
4. Bunyi : noise, sound : 소리
Cth : Bunyi mobil itu keras sekali.
Ex : The sound of that car is very loud.
berbunyi : to make a noise/sound : 소리
membunyikan to make s.t. make a noise (e.g. flute,car horn) : 울리다
bunyi-bunyian musical instruments : 악기
5. Buang, membuang : to throw away : 버리다
Cth : Anak itu membuang sampah di dean rumah.
Ex : That kid threw some rubbish in front of the house.
buangan : gargage, s.t. that has been discarded : 지꺼기
pembuangan : disposal : 처분
buang air : urinate : 오줌 누다
membuangkan : to throw away s.t. for s.o. : 누군가를 위해 뭔가를 버리는 것
6. Bintang : star (star in the sky, s.o. famous) : 찾다
Cth : Christine Hakim adalah bintang film Indonesia terkenal.
Ex : Christine Hakim is a famous Indonesian film star.
membintangi : to star in a film : 철저히 찾다
berbintang : starry : 다른 사람 대신 찾다
perbintangan : astronomy, astrology : 검색
7. Budaya : culture,practice : 해보다
Cth : Budaya Indonesia amat beragam dan menarik.
Ex : Indonesia's cultures are various and interesting.
berbudaya : to be cultured : 해보다
membudayakan : to make s.t. part of s.o.'s everyday life : 계속 해보다
kebudayaan : culture, civilization : 해보다,입어보다 (옷)
pembudayaan : civilizing : 시련
8. Banding, bandingan : equal : 소매치기
Cth : Mutu sepatu di Banding tidak ada bandingnya.
Ex : There is no equal for the quality of shoes in Bandung.
membanding : to compare : 소매치기 하다
membandingkan : to compare s.t. or s.o. with s.t. or s.o. else : 소매치기 (사람)
sebanding : comparable (price,strength) : 소매치기 당하다
perbandingan : comparison : 소매치기
9. Balas : to respond/reply : 대답/답장/응답/답글하다
Cth : Temanku sudah membalas suratku.
Ex : My friend has replied to my letter.
balasan : response, reply : 대답
pembalasan : response, revenge : 복수
balas dendam : to take revenge : 복수하다
membalaskan : to respond/reply for s.o. : 누군가를 위해 답 하는 것
10. Biasa : normal, usual, common : 보통
Cth : Bekerja keras sudah biasa bagi perdana menteri itu.
Ex : Working hard is usual for that Prime Minister.
membiasakan : to make s.t. common/usual/part or daily routine : 익숙하게 만든다
biasanya : usually : 원래, 보통
kebiasaan : habit : 습관
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